May 31−June 1, 2019
North American Department, Institute of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Debrecen
The organizers of the conference invite proposals for papers in any field of American Studies which contribute to our understanding of how American identities get (re)constructed and renegotiated in the face of fundamental political and social changes and challenges both in the United States and the Americas at large. While much of the renegotiation takes place at intersections of such major factors of identity construction as race, gender, ethnicity, class, politics, etc., American identities are also shaped by phenomena which have been in the focus of American Studies recently such as transatlantic and inter-American migration, transnationalism, or the new wave of American exceptionalism. Within this broader thematic framework, scholars from various fields including literature, history, social and cultural studies, the visual arts, film studies, politics, international studies, and cultural linguistics, etc. are encouraged to offer their critical insights on any aspect of the renegotiation of American identities through topics including, but not restricted to the following:
- constructing American national identity
- constructing American identities and subjects in literature and culture
- transatlantic and inter-American migration and the changing ethnic landscape
- America through the media
- American identities in popular culture
- images of America and American identities in visual and textual discourses
- transatlantic relations and global influences of / on America
- American exceptionalism: past and present
Please send abstracts of max. 250 words and short professional bios of max. 150 words to the organizers at the following email address: haas13deb@gmail.com
Panel proposals of max. 450 words should also be sent to haas13deb@gmail.com
Deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals: March 15, 2019.
Notification of acceptance will be sent out not later than March 31, 2019.