Prof. Dr. H. Kalpana Rao a Debreceni Egyetemen
A celebration of Science Day The Faculty of Humanities invites you to a lecture given by Prof. Dr. H. Kalpana Rao, Pondicherry University, India The Idea of India through Indian Writing...
Hungarian Chapter of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies
A celebration of Science Day The Faculty of Humanities invites you to a lecture given by Prof. Dr. H. Kalpana Rao, Pondicherry University, India The Idea of India through Indian Writing...
Teach Canada – Canada in the Classroom Dr. Nagy Judit, a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem tanára, dékánhelyettese, a Teach Canada program igazgatója tart előadást 2018. december 13-án, csütörtökön, 15:30 perctől...
Her Excellency, Isabelle Poupart gave a presentation called The Canadian Dream at 12:30, 24th October. She was invited on behalf of the Faculty of Humanities. She was received by Bartha Elek, Vice-Rector,...
KÁROLI GÁSPÁR UNIVERSITY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN HUNGARY EÖTVÖS LORÁND UNIVERSITY Canadian Generations in Culture and the Arts: Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches A Conference Organized by KÁROLI GÁSPÁR UNIVERSITY...
A Grand North kutatócsoport következő ülése 2018. június 14-én lesz a Károli Gáspár református Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Karán (1088 Budapest, Reviczky u. 4. I. em. 114.), ahol a résztvevők Scheffer Kevin...
Transnational Challenges to Canadian Culture, Society and the Environment 20-22 September 2018, Prague, Czech Republic Canada has been a transnational country from its inception: founded on the ideas of Métis...
Dr Stephen Henighan (University of Guelph, Ontario, Kanada) két vendégelőadást tart Budapesten május elején: The Institutions of Canadian Literature: From Consolidation to Dissolution Időpont: 2018. május 9. 14:00 Helyszín: Eötvös...
Dr Stephen Henighan (University of Guelph, Ontario, Kanada) két vendégelőadást tart Budapesten május elején: Postcolonialism’s End? The Fragmentation of CanLit, 2000-2017 Időpont: 2018. május 7. 12:30 Helyszín: Pázmány Péter Katolikus...
The third Canadian Studies Conference entitled Multiculturalism in Canada 2 took place on November 20th, 2015 at the Faculty of Humanities. Due to the success and the topicality of last year’s theme,...
7th Triennial International Conference of the Central European Association of Canadian Studies, 9 – 10 October, 2015, Zagreb (Croatia) Organizing Committee of the Croatian-Canadian Academic Society: Vanja Polić, Evaine Le...