
Publications of Members in 2024:

Canadian Landscapes/ Paysages Canadiens. Edited by: Judit Nagy, Anikó Ádám, Mátyás Bánhegyi, Dóra Bernhadt, János Kenyeres, Mária Palla, Miklós Vassányi. Publisher: Károli Gáspár University, 2024. Open Access


Publications of Members in 2023: 

  • Nandori, Rita. “Inuit Nunangat and Cultural Identity: Borders that Unify and Define”, Eger Journal of American Studies 17, pp. 93-106.
  • Kodó, K., (2023) “Local and Universal: The Canadian Inuit and the Irish Aran Islanders in the Films of Robert J. Flaherty”, Open Library of Humanities 9(1). doi:

Publications of Members in 2022: 

  • Nandori, Rita. “Nunangat and Beyond: Acculturation and the Retainment of Inuit Identity in Canada.” Canadian Journal of Native Studies. Brandon University, MA, Canada, Bearpaw Publishing. Forthcoming.
  • Nandori, Rita. “Inuit Nunangat and Cultural Identity: Borders That Unify and Define.” Eger Journal of American Studies. Eszterházy Károly University. Forthcoming

Publications of Members in 2021: 

Eds. Miklós Vassányi, Judit Nagy, Mátyás Bánhegyi, Dóra Bernhardt, Enikö Sepsi. Minorities in Canada: Intercultural Investigations. L’Harmattan: Budapest, 2021. 

“The volume Minorities in Canada – Intercultural Investigations contains sixteen papers written by scholars based in Canada, Western and Central Europe. The multidisciplinary collection offers reflections on ongoing minority-related discourses in Canada ranging from philosophy through healthcare and anthropology to literary studies. Centering around two main thematic nodes, Canadian ethnic communities and Indigenous peoples, the papers included in the volume discuss various inter-and transcultural issues such as the impact of one community on the other, how policy-making has affected a particular community, communal memory, in-betweenness, identity shifts, cultural appropriation, problems and conflicts arising from inter-and transcultural encounters as well as suggestions as to how these can be reconciled.”

Nandori, Rita. “Őslakos kultúrák a multikulturalizmus útvesztőjében: a nyolcvanas és kilencvenes évek Ausztráliája és Kanadája.” Klió Történelmi Szemléző Folyóirat. Vol. 25:4, 2021, pp. 75-78. Klió Alapítvány, Debreceni Egyetem.

Publications of Members in 2020: 

Nandori, Rita. “Vonnegut Reinvented.” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. Vol. 27:2, 2020, pp. 439-442. University of Debrecen.

Nandori, Rita. “Arctic Songs: A Journey Towards a New Tradition from Pre-contact to Contemporary Inuit Poetry.” Central European Journal of Canadian Studies. Vol. 15, 2020, pp. 17-34. Masaryk University.

Nandori, Rita. “Akutaq: The Impact of Colonialism on Inuit Religiosity and Literature.” (Number of independent citations: 2) Eger Journal of English Studies. Vol. 16, 2020. pp. 61-78. Eszterházy Károly University.

Nandori, Rita, “Imagined Homeland: Inummariit as the Basis for the Concept of Inuit Nationhood.” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, 2020. pp. 363-77.
University of Debrecen.

Publications of Members in 2019:

Molnár, István János. Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. A jezsuiták erődített missziója. Várak, Kastélyok, Templomok. 2019. évkönyv. 230-233.

Molnár, Judit. The Psycho-Spatial Continuum in Cockroach. In: Beirut to Carnival City. (Reading Rawi Hage). Ed. Krzysztof Majer. Leiden and Boston: Brill an and Rodopi. 2020. 75-83.

Ongoing research projects:

  • Cultural Reader Series – Mátyás Bánhegyi
  • Marshall McLuhan, Walter Ong – Dóra Bernhardt
  • Shifting emphasis and indigenization in the self-portraits and autobiographical pieces by contemporary blended heritage visual artists and writers of the Southwest/NM and Métis Canada since the 1960s –  Judit Kádár
  • The Northern myth in Canadian art and poetry, Canadian identities in literature; John Coulter and the mythe of Louis Riel – Krisztina Kodó
  • Hungarian translations of Canadian literature – Fruzsina Kovács
  • Open government initiatives (open data, open standards, open source) – Gábor László
  • Montreal revisited by Anglophone and Allophone writers (city and space), the history of English Canadian literature (in Hungarian) – Judit Molnár
  • History before 1867, birth of Canada – István Molnár
  • Weather Images in Canadain Literaature, East Asian Canadians, Cultural Reader Series – Judit Nagy
  • Indigenous Literary Studies: Identity in the Context of Inuit Song Tradition, Orature, and Poetry Through the Lens of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Spatiality. – Rita Nandori
  • Transcultural communities; the literature of the  Hungarian and the South-Asian diasporas in Canada – Mária Palla
  • Canada’s – and in a wider sense  North America’s –  (wanted or imposed) role in shaping world politics through legistlation and (true or assumed) power of resources., Centrally directed democracies – North-America, the EU, Socialism and Communism – A global legal-sociological-economic approach., Current-day interpretation of Liberalism vs. Neo-liberalism in a European and global context (a legal-historic and economic approach void of any value-judgement). – Kálmán Richter
  • Canadian Female Gothic Literature, Neo-Gothic Literature, Alice Munro’s Fiction – Andrea Szabó F.
  • Hungarian immigrants in Canada, Sociolinguistic analysis of Hungarian hip hop – Eszter Szabó-Gilinger
  • Hungarians in the Canadian Theatre – Péter Szaffkó
  • Hungarian diaspora literature, Reception of Canadian literature in Hungary – Gertrud Szamosi
  • Kunuk’s movies, Native representations in Hollywood movies – Attila Takács
  • Inuit cultural and religious practices, history of geographic discoveries, exploration of the North – Miklós Vassányi
  • Canadian Studies at Eszterhazy Karoly University of Applied Sciences